Rules for the Forestry Museum of Lapland Association
This translation of Association rules is intended for convenience, and the translation may have mistakes. Please refer to the original Finnish for the binding rules. Places where this translation and the original Finnish conflict, the original takes precedence.
The name of the Association is Lapin Metsämuseoyhdistys ry (The Forestry Museum of Lapland Association) and its home location the city of Rovaniemi.
The purpose of the Association and the form of Association activities
The purpose of the Association is to advance the accessibility of information on heritage by preserving and holding material and visual heritage material of the use of the forests of Lapland, the history of forestry of Lapland, and the life and work of those who worked in forestry. This is done through the maintenance of the Forestry Museum of Lapland.
In addition to the museum, the Association works toward this purpose through organizing relevant research, collection and archiving, teaching and information dissemination, and exhibition and publication activities. in addition the Association will organize events, presentations, seminars, hikes, or celebrations relating to forests, forest heritage, or forestry.
The Association has the right to obtain and maintain property, receive donations, receive funding through the organization of sale events, raffles, or fund collections, and organize, within the boundaries set in the Finnish laws on Assocations, housing and food production activities within the museum shop and the online shop for the purpose of funding the mentioned activities. When undertaking any mentioned activity, the Association will obtain relevant legally mandated permits and certifications.
The membership
The membership consists of:
- Regular members
- Supporter members
- Honorary members
Regular members may only be natural persons.
Supporter members may be legal entities such as corporations, associations, or foundations. Supportr members do not have the right to vote in Association meetings. The Association holds the right to admit or deny rgular members or supporter members. Regular members and supporter members pay a yearly membership fee, agreed annually during an Association meeting.
Honorary members may be appointed individuals who have through especially commendably participated in or supported the activities of the Association. The annual meeting is in charge of appointing honorary members on nomination by the board of directors. Honorary members have no obligations to pay membership fees.
Achieved membership privileges will remain.
A member may leave the Association by written notic to the board of directors or its chairperson. A member may also leav through notifying a meeting of the association in a mannre which will see it noted in the meeting proceedings.
The board of directors may consider a membership to have ended if a member has not paid their membership for two years in a row.
The membership fee is non-refundable if a member desires to end their membership before the end of the membership period.
Association matters are seen over by the board of directors. The board of directors consists of the chairperson of the board and 4-6 members of the board, as well as 2 deputy members. The board of directors may consist only of members of the Association. The chairperson of the board and the members of the board of directors are chosen during the annual meeting, to preside for two years at a time. Half of the members of the board are due for re-election. For the first time half of the members are chosen for re-election, they will be chosen by lot. One term of the board is the duration between two annual meetings.
The board of directors will choose a deputy chairperson amongst their ranks, as well as appoint officers. A secretary and/or treasurer for the Association may be chosen from within the board or outside of it.
The board will convene at the notice of the chairperson or, when the chairperson is unavailable, the notic of the deputy chairperson. The board will convene whenever necessary. The board has the power to make decisions whenver at least half of the board members, amongst them either the chairperson or the deputy chairperson, are present during a meeting. The meetings have to have a written proceedings document detailing the participants in addition to the discussed topics and outcomes. The chairperson of the board and the secretary will sign the proceedings document.
The work to be done by the board is: -Monitoring of compliance to these rules as well as undertaking work appointed to the board during annual member meetings; -Decide on the time and location Association meetings, and prepare the agenda and other relevant materials; -Monitor the Association funds and property, and undertake their maintenance and upkeep; -Prepare the Association's budget proposal; -Prepare the Association's annual report; -Prepare the Association's operation plan for the next year; -Enact active information dissemination within the board and amongst the members; -Appoint officers and decide on any payments they may receive as salary, wages, or otherwise; -Manage the admission and discharge of members, and when relevant mak recommendations on the termination of membership of specific members.
The financial year is the same as the calendar year. The financial statements must be ready by the end of March. The auditors must submit their statements a minimum of two weeks before the annual meeting.
If the financial statement or the the statements of the auditors give cause, the board of directors must convene within one month to decide on actions to be taken to address the situation.
The name of the Association shall be written by the chairperson of the board on their own or by the deputy chairperson with the assistance of the secretary.
The annual meeting of the Association is to be held by the end of May at the latest. An additional meeting must be held when the board of directors or the chairperson of the board considers it necessary or when a minimum of 1/10 of members with the right to vote requests it with a relevant cause. Any additional meetings are to be held without delay, if the board of directors is seen to have lost its ability to function.
for Association members at least two weeks (14 days) before the meeting day by email or otherwise to the address listed in the membership registry. The board will send the meeting agenda and other relevant material as well as the instructions on how to join the meeting to every person who has expressed their intnt to join.
Attendance to the meeting is possible via an internet connection, if the member notifies the board at least 7 days before the meeting takes place.
In Association meetings, every regular member and honorary member has one vote. Items brought to vote are resolved through a simple majority, except for items aligning with 11§ and 12§. If the votes are even, the chairperson of the board resolves the deadlock, except when new board members are being elected in which case the winner is chosen by lot.
The elections will be conducted by secret ballot unless otherwise unanimously decided by everyone present. For those taking part through an online connection, a way of voting must be arranged in a manner that ensures the secrecy of the ballot, if they have informed of their intent to join remotely at least one week (7 days) before the meeting.
In the annual meeting, the following topics must be resolved:
- Election of the chairperson and secretary of the meeting;
- Confirming the legality of and quorum of the meeting;
- Election of two scrutineers of the minutes;
- Approval of the annual report and financial statements;
- Presentation of the previous year's accounts and the auditor's statement on them, approval of the financial statements, and decision on granting discharg from liability to the board;
- Determination of the membership fees for the current year;
- Decisions to renumeration and expense allowances for officers;
- Decision on the action plan and budget;
- Election of an auditor and/or accountant and their alternates;
- Election of new members to replace those whose terms have expired on the board;
- Election of the chairman of the board if the chairman's term has ended;
- Discussion of other items listed in the meeting agenda.
An additional meeting of the Association may decide on all matters related to the association's activities requiring the decision of the association's meeting. Such matters may include:
- Amendments to the action plan and budget;
- Matters proposed by the board;
- Removal and election of the board;
- Other matters of the association.
These rules may be amended, after preliminary consideration by the board, at a meeting of the association, if supported by 2/3 of the votes cast in the vote on the amendment.
The dissolution of the Association must be dcided upon in two consecutive Association meetings held at least two weeks apart, and th dissolution proposal must be supported by at least 2/3 of the votes cast in the vote.
Upon dissolution of the association, its remaining assets shall be used for purposes corresponding to the assocation's objectives. Museum collections must remain as museum collections even when transferred to another owner. The transfer must be notified to the Finnish Museums Association and the National Board of Antiquities beefore its implementation.
Approved at the annual general meeting of Lapin Metsämuseoyhdistys ry on April 27th, 2023.